Board-Certified Art Therapist (LPC, ATR-BC)

Rachael Van Tassel

Meet Rachael...

Rachael Van Tassel, Licensed Professional Counselor and Board-Certified Art Therapist (LPC, ATR-BC) offers therapeutic art workshops for adults, providing a space for creative self-reflection and identity exploration. Rachael works full-time at Wayne Memorial Behavioral Health as an outpatient provider for children and adults with diverse needs and goals. Her 15+ years of experience as a counselor has included training in various art mediums, art therapy assessments, and art therapy theory and practice, as well as trauma-focused care, cognitive behavioral therapy, behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and meditation. Rachael is a certified trainer and provider for Parent-Child Interaction Therapy.
Rachael has a passion for integrating mind, body, and spirit, following an eclectic model of treatment modalities depending on an Individual’s unique needs.
Specialty :
Art Therapy Theory and Practice, Mindfulness and Meditation, Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
Certification :
Licensed Professional Counselor in Pennsylvania (LPC) Board Certified Art Therapist (ATR-BC) Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Therapist and Level 1 Trainer Masters of Science in Art Therapy from Springfield College, MA

Yoga trainning skills

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85 %
Caring Your
Flex Body
70 %
Skills for life
85 %
Access to your
inner wisdom

Award and Honours

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2018 - 2019 : Yoga adviser of the year

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2020 - 2022 : National yoga awards

Consectetur adipiscing elit, sed ate incididunt labore veniam,exercitation commodo consequat..

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