Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique relieves pain through learning better coordination of the musculoskeletal system and approaching movement differently.
Most of us have many habitual patterns of tension, learned both consciously and unconsciously. These patterns can be unlearned, enabling the possibility of new choices in posture, movement, and reaction.
Through verbal, manual, and visual guidance, you will be introduced to concepts and practices that expand your awareness of the functioning of your nervous system, muscular and skeletal systems.
You’ll learn to restore optimal poise, balance, and ease in overall functioning. You’ll develop awareness of habits that interfere with your natural coordination and learn how to change them. You’ll learn how to undo these patterns and develop the ability to consciously redirect your whole self into an optimal state of being and functioning for greater flexibility, balance and pain relief.
Different types of yoga method
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yoga trainer
5+ years
yoga trainer
Modern yoga
yoga trainer
World class

Benefits of yoga session
When your immunity is compromised, to you’re more susceptible to illness. However, as discussed earlier, yoga is considered a best scientifically backed alternative treatment for stress.
- Yoga improves strength, balance and flexibility.
- Yoga connects you with a supportive community.
- Yoga can mean more energy and brighter moods.
- Yoga may improve cardiovascular functioning.
- Yoga can promote better posture and body awareness
Frequently asked questions
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