Mandalas for Self-Exploration led by Rachael Van Tassel, LPC, Certified Art Therapist ATR-BC is intended to create space for self-exploration, introspection, and centering. Classes are held the 4th Wednesday of each month from 6:30-8:00 pm.
Join a short guided imagery to get you into a mindset to create from. Attendees will have the choice of a variety of materials each session including colored pencils, watercolors, oil/chalk pastels, and markers and then create an image on paper from your own mindful reflection. No experience necessary, all supplies provided. $25.
Mandala is the Sanskrit word for “Circle”. Through art expression, we will be exploring cycles of change and growth that occur through life in both big ways and small. We will walk through the stages of growth together to find self-discovery and gain understanding of our place within ourselves and in the universe.
For information or to register contact Rachael Van Tassel at: rachaelvantassel@gmail.com or 607-222-4184